From small things, big things one day come. The British Consul, Thomas Tull, started ESG in 1958 with 7 pupils, in part so that his daughter could enjoy an english-speaking education. 60 years and several moves later we are a Swedish independent school with over 500 pupils representing more than 40 different nationalities. In 2018 we celebrated our 60th birthday.

60 Years old
60 years of Knowledge, Confidence and Respect.

Shared Values
Shared Values
Our engaged parents choose to send their children here and then support us in helping their children to be the best they can in English and Swedish. Our aim is that the young people can meet the future with knowledge, confidence and respect. We get great feedback from local gymnasiums and many of our students go on to universities in the UK and US as well as Sweden.
An International Staff
An International Staff
All our teachers are university educated and qualified. They come from all over the world and bring fresh approaches to the learning. They bring a sense of purpose to the lessons that puts a focus on improvement. The staff and the pupils make for a rich multicultural environment that is a model of integration.

Our Environment
Our Environment
At ESG we have invested in an excellent working and learning environment with the correct facilities to meet all subjects. It is light, modern, clean and classrooms are calm. We also have great technology with interactive whiteboards throughout which support the learning of all pupils. We have a superb playground, close to the forest and a short walk from the excellent sports facilities used by older students.

ESG strives to be the best school in the West of Sweden in developing young people academically and socially. We value diversity amongst our students and staff, working together in English and Swedish to achieve high academic results, good discipline and the skills necessary to be successful in the future. We do this through excellent teaching, committed parents and serious hard work from the students in a safe, modern and well-equipped environment.